I don’t know what to say

We just got a glossy 10-page magazine-type advertisement addressed to my spouse from the alumni association of  the state university where I’m employed and he took a graduate degree.  Title: “Around the World By Private Jet.”  For only $57,000 a person double occupancy we can take a 24-day group tour in November by private jet to Cusco and Machu Picchu, Easter Island, Samoa, the Great Barrier Reef, Angkor Wat, Lhasa, the Taj Mahal, Tanzania (a safari), Egypt and Morocco.  Hotels and meals included.  Also four professors to explain things, a trip physician, and a trip chef who will prepare presumably-edible airline food and “lavish banquets” each day.  I looked it up in case you want to know more.  I bounce between being amazed that anyone could afford such a thing to thinking how naive I am to be surprised this exists to thinking it would be fun to wondering if their customer base has declined lately.

Author: olderwoman

I'm a sociology professor but not only a sociology professor. I keep my name out of this blog because I don't want my name associated with it in a Google search. Although I never write anything in a public forum like a blog that I'd be ashamed to have associated with my name (and you shouldn't either), it is illegal for me to use my position as a public employee to advance my religious or political views, and the pseudonym helps to preserve the distinction between my public and private identities. The pseudonym also helps to protect the people I may write about in describing public or semi-public events I've been involved with. You can read about my academic work on my academic blog http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/soc/racepoliticsjustice/ --Pam Oliver

One thought on “I don’t know what to say”

  1. Add up the price of first-class tix to a succession of international destinations and something like this makes more and more sense. Flying commercial is hell. If only more of us could afford the alternative.

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